CVB Wellness Services
Athletic Therapy
Craniosacral Therapy
and more
Each of the following services are used as a tool to accomplish your goals and help you with your injury,
pain, mobility, stress, and overall health, well-being and vitality. After your initial assessment has been
completed, Courtney will discuss which techniques she believes will best fit your needs.
You may also choose a particular treatment style for your session - just let Courtney know!
Athletic Therapy
Chronic Pain Care
CranioSacral Therapy
Exercise & Mobility Education
Headache, Neck & Migraine Care
Injury Assessment & Rehabilitation
Joint Mobilization & Alignment
Myofascial Release & Rebalancing
Nervous System Regulation
Somatic Practices
Stress Reduction
Usui Reiki
Initial Assessment
( required as first appointment )
120 min assessment $210
105 min assessment $185
90 min assessment $160
Treatment Session
120 min treatment $210
105 min treatment $185
90 min treatment $160
75 min treatment $135
60 min treatment $110
45 min treatment $85
30 min treatment $60
Mobile Treatment
( inquire for eligibility )
$50 travel fee included in pricing
120 min treatment $260
105 min treatment $235
90 min treatment $210
75 min treatment $185
60 min treatment $160
Service Pricing
All prices include GST
Payment may be made at the time of the appointment via:
cash or
credit card
An official office receipt will be provided to you, which may be used for claiming the service
with your insurance provider, if Athletic Therapy is covered in your insurance package.
eTransfer and cash are preferred but please know that credit card
payment is available should you like to use it. All major credit cards accepted.
Injury Assessment
Injury Assessment
Injury assessment is what
Athletic Therapists are known for!
No matter how you got injured,
or how active you are,
Athletic Therapists use their
vast knowledge and skills to
assess and treat your pain,
injuries, mobility and posture.
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release
Myofascial Release is a very effective
hands-on massage technique that
involves applying gentle to moderate
pressure to the muscle and fascia to
release restrictions, tightness and
adhesions to reduce your pain,
improve blood flow and improve
your mobility and mechanics.
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a
soft touch, hands-on approach that
works on the restrictions of muscles,
fascia, bone, joints, blood flow,
nerves, CSF, and the dura.
CST Practitioners relieve pain
and dysfunction while improving
whole-body health and vitality.
Movement and
Mobility Education
For our bodies to remain healthy,
we must be able to move and
move well. As part of your
bodywork, energy work,
or injury rehabilitation,
movement may be a key part.
Usui Reiki
Reiki is an energetic modality
used to improve the flow of energy
in the body and release blockages.
A full session of Reiki can be
done on its own, or it can be
incorporated with any of the
other treatment methods used.
Joint Mobilization
and Alignment
Joint Mobilization
and Alignment
Our joints must align and have a certain degree of mobility and stability for us to maintain our health. If joint restrictions or misalignments are found during your assessment, they may be one of the significant factors contributing to pain.
What our clients are saying:
What our clients are saying:
I have been seeing Courtney as needed for about 4 years! Athletic Therapy (don’t let the name fool you) has changed my life. After my first session with Courtney, my fascia was released which allowed me to have significantly more mobility with my arms, shoulders, and knees! I was hooked from that moment on. My range of motion compared to where I started is amazing and Courtney's treatments, coupled with regular exercise, have been life-changing!
One of the super important areas Courtney has worked on was my wrists. Working in an office environment every day using a computer wreaked havoc and lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which my own family doctor advised I’d have to have surgery to fix! Not true at all in my case. With some great fascial release on a regular basis, no problem, no surgery needed! I can’t stress the importance of Athletic Therapy enough, no matter your age, no matter your physical limitations - Athletic Therapy will help you where nobody else has been able to assist you before!
- Tina G.